Cold Justice

When I first decided to set my murder mystery series in a small town, my hubby was surprised.

"Since when," he wondered, "are there enough murders in sleepy little towns to justify a whole series set in one?" Then Cold Justice came to our TV screen. He's changed his tune.

All of the real life cases the investigators tackle on this show take place in small towns. Law enforcement budgets are low. They don't have a CSI team waiting to process crime scenes. Things can fall through the cracks.

While that's not an optimal situation for justice in the real world, in a fictive world, it's perfect for an amateur sleuth, like my Lacey Evans. To solve the murder that's gone unsolved in Coldwater, OK, she needs to be methodical, detail oriented and tenacious. Sort of like the cold case investigators on Cold Justice.

Click here if you'd like to meet Lacey and discover Coldwater for yourself!